I went to adrie subono's house before 6 am and guess what??? the queue is soooo long even snake couldn't beat it! and the most saddest thing is when I'm standing in the queue the java musikindo's crew told us that the number of queue is already run out! boom! I wanna crying and I feel totally desperate cause they said we should wait until evening to know if they still can selling the tickets. d'oh the world is crumble to me..the chances to get the ticket is only 0,1%. the only other way is buying online which is that was the hardest part! there's no guarantee we can get the ticket too anyway!

me and my friend are desperate, tried to looking for some help..but who's gonna help? everyone seems so desperate in here anyway! haha..until finally my mom came to me and said " there's some guys who wants to help you, they allowed you to join his number of queue". suddenly the world is shinning !!! oooh Bruno !!!! and his number of queue is number 23 that means we got pre-sale prices!! he also slept in front of adrie's house last night that's why he got that number !! MIRACLE HAPPENED !!

Bruno Mars is one of the biggest international singer star,I'm the biggest fan of Bruno I love him so much.