both of my favorite band just released their new album !! too bad Indonesia doesn't sell bmth album so I should bought the import one but it's TOTALLY worth it !!
I don't know why a lot of people said that bmth new album is kinda sucks..but I think their new album is sick!! it's a great album..my favorites are "crucify me, it never ends, fuck, don't go"
I love the collaboration between bmth and Lights :D
and finally..My Chemical Romance new album..it's been long enough right?
my opinion..no matter how great their new album but still.....The Black Parade is the best, that album is genius. one thing I can't found on their new album is they really less theatrical which is theatrical is my favorite part from them so I'm kinda disappointed they didn't bring those moment again BUT I think their new album still great. my favorites are "bulletproof heart, sing, the only hope for me is you,s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w"
once again,I should bought the import one because the package and the bonus are more yummy!! lol
here's my favorite thing from both of this cd

you can open the middle of hell side and heaven side..and when you tear them apart.....................

and here's the bonus that I've got from My chemical Romance's cd..MCR poster !!!
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